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  • Chocolate Study
  • #30937


    In the chocolate study, we wanted to know, “Does chocolate improve mood?” Two hypothesis were conducted which were, Chocolate has no effect on emotion and Chocolate improved mood.In this experiment, two pieces of paper were drown out of a zip lock bag. Each person drew out one piece of paper. There were two possible things that were written down on the paper. One stated, “O” which indicated no pieces of chocolate and the other said “2 pieces” which indicated that the person who got this piece was able to obtain 2 pieces of chocolate. Those who had “2 pieces” on their paper chose which pieces of chocolate they wanted as the people with no chocolate just looked around awkwardly. I was lucky enough to get the “2pieces” of chocolate. After eating the chocolate, everyone included in the experiment were asked how happy they were based on 1-5 sad to happy chart of five smiley faces. Those who didn’t receive chocolate were less happy than those who did receive chocolate.
    As a learning process, there were several flaws that were made. We should off been asked how we felt before and after the chocolate was implemented so that there would be a comparison in change of emotion. Although this experiment was random, everyone should of been asked individually how they felt after/no chocolate. Which prevents responses on self rather than others. In conclusion, people who received chocolate was happier than those who didn’t receive chocolate. However, we don’t know if it improves mood.

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