SPRING 2021 ENG 1141-OL07: Introduction to Creative Writing

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  • Participation Activity, Session 7: First Try at a Sestina
  • #71142

    Jennifer Sears

    Post on this discussion thread, using instructions on the To-Do List for Session 7:




    She runs to the kitchen
    To put in her mouth something filling
    For her tongue to taste a new experience
    As the food travels down to her belly, there is a temporary
    Sense of not being empty
    And so, she is satisfied momentarily

    The emptiness goes away momentarily
    When she has her way at the kitchen
    To cover up the big, black hole of empty
    Food has a unique way of filling
    The tortured soul, though it is only temporary
    A lick, a gulp, and then she swallows this experience

    To lick salty sesame shrimp stir fry from her lips is quite the experience
    Though the pleasure only fills the pit momentarily
    She cries because feeling whole is solely temporary
    Again, she runs eagerly to taste the piping hot lasagna sitting in the kitchen
    A hearty, multi-layered dish that is very filling
    Fresh ricotta, mozzarella, and a fragrant tomato sauce to fill a soul that is empty

    They are burdensome and costly, the unquenchable needs of a soul that is empty
    But tasting a zesty chipotle mayo on a crispy, fried chicken sandwich is a mouth-watering experience
    Especially with spicy cajun fries drizzled in a mountain of ketchup to make the meal more filling
    Because food is healing, though momentarily
    After scarfing down leftover bizcocho de tres leches, she fears looking into the kitchen
    Her belly hurts, she is not invincible like she thought, and the pleasure of flaky tempura is temporary

    When will she learn that the escape is only temporary?
    That the sweet song of food is as blinding as the promises of men empty?
    Her cheeks full of pangang curry, the spicy sauce dripping down her chin as she sits in the kitchen
    Tears flowing as she struggles to savor each moment of this experience
    Panang curry is her favorite, and it is supposed to make it all go away- momentarily
    She stuffs in her mouth a vanilla doughnut with cream filling

    It has been starting to feel suffocating rather than filling
    She chokes as a bite blocks her airway, sending her into a coughing rage that is temporary
    As she fought, she felt something inexplicable, innate, and instinctive- momentarily
    It passed when she coughed out the bolus, her airway now empty
    Cheap takeout made her the victim of a near-death experience
    The adrenaline rush made her feeling something now long gone, she runs into the kitchen

    Guacamole and chips are her healers, filling the deep, aching pit of empty
    Penetrating through the flesh through the gut through the soul- it is temporary, this experience
    To then be bloated, nauseated, and sick momentarily and then run to the kitchen


    Jennifer Sears

    Jennifer, this is a powerful sestina. The sense of urgency and vulnerable desperation ring through the lines and the repeated words. Our discussion board is off to a strong start.


    Kyle Holston

    She wakes up at six AM she leaves at eight AM
    She enters the classroom to teach the preschool kids
    she has to make sure they are happy
    She has to make sure they are safe
    she has to make sure they are learning
    she has to make sure she is doing her job right

    This preschool kid is wrong, this preschool kid is right
    she has all of the kids know the correct answer since eight AM
    the kids don’t play with the knives because she wants them safe
    she reads them a book and sings a song because they’re learning
    it brings her joy to speak to and get to see the kids
    she left her other job went back to school for this and ever since been happy

    Every time it’s eight AM it’s time to get everything right
    the kids sit on the rug to be learning
    she is and they are happy no worries about if they are safe


    Kyle Holston

    Very good Jenni, you went all out and did more than required. I like the creativity about eating the food and how it is temporary until the person is bloated and sick. I had trouble with the sestina and it seems you did very well.



    The alarm goes off at 6AM
    She gets everything ready for the day
    walks a few blocks to the hospital
    running around with a big white lab coat to see all her patients
    making sure they are well and healthy
    emergency room packed and filled

    everyone wearing a mask the rooms are filled
    so much to do tired since 6AM
    happy to see all her recovered patients
    her goal is to make everyone happy and healthy
    exhausting day but she is happy to save the day
    what a day at the busy hospital

    Finally leaving the hospital
    exciting to get some rest her thoughts are filled
    She had a long working day
    Many strong and brave patients.



    Kyle, your selection of words (happy, safe, learning, right, kids, AM) definitely suited what I imagine a teacher to be. The classroom is not just where kids learn, it’s often a sanctuary for kids from difficult homes so I appreciate that you mentioned safety. I could really picture this teacher and group of students you were describing, their singing and reading and then sitting on the rug. You did a really great job.


    Lauriann Frederick

    I opened my eyes, staring straight at the ceiling
    Took some deep steady breaths and tried to decipher my feelings.
    Was it just my imagination, or did I heard my cat calling,
    Good morning, good morning, how are you doing?
    I shut my eyes again, tighter than they were before,
    But I couldn’t ignore her, I had to get up and opened the door.

    Slowly with sleep still in my eyes, I walked hesitantly towards the door,
    Fighting the urge to turn up my sleep-filled eyes, way, way up to the ceiling.
    O the question that came into my mind was, how many times have you done this before?
    As I thought hard on this question, I had to fight off that dreaded feelings,
    Should I return to the warmth or my bed? It is so much the easier thing worth doing.
    But how can I turn a stone-deaf ear, to the sweet sound of my darling cat calling?

    I gently scooped up my little cat in my arms, and softly whispered in her ear, my darling I heard your calling.
    As she lying peacefully in my arms, I turned around and faced the room door,
    Then I stopped and thought just for a moment, maybe this is not what I should be doing.
    As the reality of this hit me, I again venture to turn my eyes way, way up to the ceiling,
    O what an awkward terrible feeling,
    And so I turned right around and headed to the kitchen, sure of what I should be doing, for I have done this for my little kitty cat, so many times before.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Lauriann Frederick. Reason: Only did two stanza the first time
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Jennifer Sears.

    Lauriann Frederick

    Hi Jessica

    I can almost see your person moving from bed to bed doing her rounds as she check on her patients. I can envision the team of medical staff as they hover over the patient’s beds, happy to see the progress of their recovery as the each breathe a sign of relief. As I read your Sestina, I saw my at my job in the hospital sitting at the nursing station. It’s an experience I have seen over and over again, just as you have stated in your Sestina.

    You have done a wonderful job bringing to life the daily activities of a doctor.


    Mosqan Naseem

    When dream have begun
    A moment of peace is released
    As time stand still
    It allows for moment of thrill
    We are free to ponder against the boundaries we call time
    Time is an illusion

    As time begins to have no structure being an illusion
    Created to cripple the dream that have begun
    It is much like a steady stream with running time
    It creeps through our mind as reality is released
    Reality breaks the thrill
    As we enter the reality and leave behind the time that stand still


    Asalah Alhababi

    Her phone is ringing every morning at six o’clock.
    She gets up and prepper breakfast for her lovely family.
    Going to an elderly center for help.
    Always facing them with a warm smile.
    Feeling satisfy for being blessed by God.
    Going back home with a heart that full of love and joy.

    You never see her sad or exhausted instead you see a face full of joy.
    Working every day and sometime on her free time until five o’clock.
    She likes to show assistance to everyone around her and that makes her feel protect by God.
    She goes back home asking her kids about their day and making dinner for the whole family.
    Even after a tough day she will keep showing her beauty by a smile.
    She never gives up hope and she is always there for anyone who needs help.

    Waiting for her ticking o’clock, going to a place where she finds a joy.
    Doing everything for her family after prying to God.
    Loving to give help to just see their faces smile.


    Zeneida Hernandez

    The night is almost over, not feeling too tired
    Maybe later i will fall over from exhaustion.
    The game i went was fun, I enjoyed one of my passion
    It was an adventure that kept away overthinking.
    It was good to be there without anxiety
    When your mind is not in peace you feel pain

    This irrational feeling causes me pain.
    An everyday routine, all of this make me tired
    At least my mind is busy, not overthinking.
    Between meetings and phone calls i get anxiety.
    Many projects on mind bring me exhaustion
    Don’t get me wrong, my job is still my passion.


    Pratima Roy

    The days tend to go by fast.
    Homeworks never last.
    Technology has captured my body and soul.
    I like to spend my day watching Netflix.
    For breakfast, I like to have milk and cereal Trix.
    Everyone I know is working and studying full time and it’s exhausting.
    But the CR/NC credit policy is over for this semester.
    Life is tough and we need to get through this.
    Never give up and pray to God to help your dreams come true.
    I am lucky to live, study, and pray in the morning which is my aarti(Puja).
    I am a proud Hindu and happy to enjoy my normal, yet stressful life.
    I love to appreciate and enjoy everything I am doing.


    Pratima Roy

    Wow, I can totally understand and feel you. I am experiencing the same thing I also work and study. It can be hard, but we got this.


    Sobia Bashir

    I really miss going to college
    Attending classes, seeing new faces, and making friends
    But now since everything is just online
    It’s so boring and depressing and annoying
    Every day you just sit in front of a computer
    Doing plenty of work with no socializing

    But I’m not good at socializing
    Especially not in my classes at college
    In class, I would rather be in front of a computer
    Or I would just talk to the few friends
    I have, who are fun but also at the same time annoying
    The only thing I can do now is talk to them online

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