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The core idea for the proposed establishment of the Save the Shukura Kid Foundation (
SSKF) to develop a strong, disciplined and responsible community leaders through education,
technical and professional youth at the community level for national development. Throughout
the world today, kids are recognized as one of the most important human resource for
tomorrow’s human capital. Efforts at enhancing the overall development children are therefore
considered an important part of community leadership agenda of which Shukura is not an
The community has been in existence for over 50 years now but still remains an urban slum.
This can be attributed to lack of pro gramme such as community development agenda. However,
building of schools sprung in the early 90s. the community now has over 20 schools (crèches,
nursery, kindergartens and junior high schools which are all private owned . So the main problem
that’s leads to drop-outs from school is not the issue
of lack of schools. Among these reasons will be lack of scholarship schemes for brilliant but
needy children, little or no interest investing in school going children by parents, etc. even those
in schools have no mentors to guide them into the educational ladder and hence find themselves
wanting. Therefore, this foundation seeks to provide the needed support for children living in this
community. This can come either through education, technical training and supporting talents.
We believe this can go a long way in addressing some of the problems facing in this community.
The foundation seeks to provide relevant and effective support for educational and training
programs for the under-privilege children in the community. We believe these will provide a
conducive environment that defines and supports the implementation of effective front-line child’s
empowerment practices, focusing on supports for under-privilege children through education,
training for future participation in socio-economic and political development whist facilitating
and ensuring responsible adulthood.
To become a unique community sector kid’s development service delivery organization,
responsive to the empowerment needs of the under-privilege children in Shukura community and
ensuring their access to national development investment opportunities.
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