Shubham Mahawar E-Portfolio

Shubham Mahawar E-Portfolio
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Portfolio Description

Hello! My name is Shubham Mahawar, and I am currently majoring in Business and Technology of Fashion. My journey in the fashion industry is driven by a deep passion for designing clothes and a keen interest in understanding the financial dynamics that power this vibrant sector.

Passions and Interests

Fashion Design: Creating unique and innovative clothing designs is my creative outlet. I recently had the exciting opportunity to participate in my first fashion show as a model, where I showcased an outfit I designed myself. This experience has further fueled my passion for fashion design and solidified my commitment to pushing creative boundaries.

Business and Technology in Fashion: Beyond design, I am equally focused on the business and technological aspects of the fashion industry. I am dedicated to learning about the financial mechanisms that drive fashion businesses and how technology is transforming the way fashion operates. This dual focus allows me to bridge the gap between creativity and commerce, ensuring that my designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also commercially viable.


Major: Business and Technology of Fashion
My academic journey is centered around acquiring comprehensive knowledge in both the creative and business sides of fashion. Through my coursework, I am gaining valuable insights into fashion marketing, financial management, supply chain logistics, and the latest technological advancements in the industry.

Future Goals

My goal is to merge my creative talents with my business acumen to become a leading figure in the fashion industry. I aspire to launch my own fashion label, where I can bring my innovative designs to life while maintaining a strong focus on the financial health and sustainability of the business.

Get in Touch

I am always eager to connect with like-minded individuals and industry professionals. Feel free to reach out to me for collaborations, internships, or any exciting opportunities in the world of fashion.

Contact Information


Thank you for visiting my e-portfolio. I look forward to sharing my journey with you and exploring the endless possibilities in the fashion industry!

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