Sequoya Hospitality Research Blog

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  • How to use sources that aren't directly related but support your paper.
  • #40105


    Ok before actually signing up for this class I thought Research Seminar seems a bit specific but still didn’t know what to expect. Furthermore after speaking with a professor she reassured me that the class is not as complex as I thought, you pick a topic and stick with for the class duration. Easy enough right?? That’s what I thought….. my professor is very good with providing information and tips about writing the research paper but there is a lot of time and effort that you must put in. After about 2 weeks into the semester I had a series of unfortunate events and I fell behind. At week 11 I still find my self behind and I wish I could go back and tell myself to devote to this as if my life depends on it. Even with my hectic schedule try to squeeze in at least 30 mins each day for research. Also I would give students taking this class a tip and word of advice; Not every source you come across will be useful or some may not have enough information….or directly relate to your topic, with that being said try to find what part you can use for your paper. Peer reviewed are better and try to get assignments in on time. Just be very proactive and put the time and effort in and you will succeed in this course

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