Project Management – Team Rocket

active 10 years ago
Project Management – Team Rocket
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School / Office
Technology & Design
Project Description

Project Management – Team Rocket


This project was created by: TEKKNEO

Recent Posts

PowerPoint presentation and Scope Statement

An FYI that I have the work-in-progress PowerPoint and Scope Statement files available in my […] See MorePowerPoint presentation and Scope Statement

Meeting Notes - Tues 2/25

Denis will be visiting the venue by Thursday to conduct the site survey and take pics and work […] See MoreMeeting Notes - Tues 2/25

What we've done so far

Add your work and hours completed in the comments below Michael's work so far: Detailed […] See MoreWhat we've done so far

Recent Comments

Comment on "PowerPoint presentation and Scope Statement"

A new, substantially updated Scope Statement is in the Dropbox folder now. Denis is going to […] See MoreComment on "PowerPoint presentation and Scope Statement"

Comment on "What we’ve done so far"

Work so far: -Prepping of deliverables (documentations: scope statement, site survey) -Visited […] See MoreComment on "What we’ve done so far"

Comment on "Draft Executive Summary"

"I'd buy that for a dollar!" Good work. We'll tweak it some when we meet tomrrow. See MoreComment on "Draft Executive Summary"