Prof. James Wu_10am_Eng1121_D420_Spring2020

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  • Coronavirus
  • #59795


    Naftard Sammuel

    On December 2019, a virus called the Coronavirus emerged in Wuhan China. About 3 months later the virus spread from Wuhan China to other parts of the world. The Coronavirus can be spread by coughing without covering your mouth, sneezing around others without covering your mouth and nose, and getting in contact with others with the virus without protection. Symptoms of the virus include coughing, sneezing and fever.The virus is very easy to spread from person to person because it is in the air. Covid-19 (another name for the Coronavirus ) is a respiratory illness that affects the respiratory organs. Before the virus is able to enter into your respiratory organs it test the level of your immunity.If you have a strong immune system , then your immune system can fight the virus and get rid of the virus before it can spread throughout your body and becomes severe.However,if your immunity is weak then your immune system will not have the strength to fight the virus, therefore the virus will travel into your lungs and cause you to start coughing, sneezing and give you a fever. If left untreated the virus will destroy the respiratory organs which will lead to shortness of breath (the inability to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide).
    Because of the Corona virus the world is going through a recession. The economy dropped drastically. A lot of people are now unemployed and a lot of businesses are closed. Teachers and students now have to practice distant learning,which have a negative effect on a lot of students, especially secondary schools and primary schools.Distance learning in school puts a lot of students at risk for failure,because a lot of students does not have the resources (computers, cell phones, laptop,Ipod,and tablets) also, a lot of students does not know what online classes felt like until after the outbreak of Coronavirus.
    Viruses can only live for a couple of hours if they are outside of the body. According to a study that was published on March 11 on medRxiv, viruses can live in the air for up to 3 hours, up to 4 hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel. This study shows that someone can become infected both directly and indirectly. Washing your hands and staying at least 6 feet away from people are some ways that you can prevent getting the viruse. Also, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth is a great way to not become infected.

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