Production For Designers

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Monday, May 4, 2020 Production for Designers", saved on May 1, 2020 at 5:16 am by Prof. Kubis
Monday, May 4, 2020 Production for Designers
Good Morning, We will met online,  Monday at 8:00 am, for the first 90 minutes will will review Bindery, Finishing and Distribution. At 9:30 am we will have a guest speaker, Lou Balsamo, Senior Production Manager, LINK9. Lou will guide you through the real world of production. Questions will be allowed via the following process. If you have a question during Lou's presentation, please raise your hand and send me the question as a chat. Based on the question and the timing I will ask the student requesting the question to unmute their audio and ask the question. I will need to limit questions to keep the presentation moving forward. Lou has allocated some time at the end of the presentation for additional questions. If you have some time check out their website: Enjoy the weekend and I look forward to this session. Prof. Kubis

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May 1, 2020 at 9:16 am Prof. Kubis