Production For Designers

Good Morning to all,

First please reply to me via an email that you have received this email via Open Lab. It seems that none of you have received my notices via Blackboard. Tomorrow’s lesson will be divided into two parts, the first will include review of a video and the need for you to reply to the email answering a series of video related questions. This assignment is due on Wednesday, end of day in my, email inbox. The second part of tomorrow’s lesson will include the Mid-Term exam, which at this stage will be by need an open book test. I will upload both components before 8:00 am tomorrow. As stated I will be online during the normal class hours, I can be reached at 917.597.1891, I have established a Zoom Account, I suggest that you all sign up for a free Zoom account and email to me your City Tech email address and mobile phone so I can create a meeting group and schedule “live” broadcasts during normal class hours. Please email me the required information sometime tomorrow morning during normal class meeting hours or anytime today.

Please confirm receipt of this email

Prof. Kubis

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