Philosphy of Nursing

You are currently viewing a revision titled "My Individual Strenghts", saved on May 20, 2013 at 2:27 pm by Keah Mclean-Garraway RN
My Individual Strenghts
Keah Mclean-Garraway   My Individual Strengths   I believe that I have a few individual strengths; the first strength that I will acknowledge is the fact that I am a very caring individual.  I honestly care about people because as a child I was always taught by my parents to treat people how you would like to be treated.  In addition, due to the fact that I have a disabled child who is non-verbal, wheel chair bound and cannot advocate for himself I often ask myself what if this patient or person was your child how would you like him to be treated, so with this in mind I always try to provide the best quality of care possible for each individual.   I honestly care about how the patient perceives me and I care about whether or not the patient is satisfied with the care they have received.  I am kind.  I am always willing to give a helping hand to those less fortunate than I.  I am always willing to help out others because it gives me a sense of gratitude to know that I am willing to assist in some way.  I often try to do good deeds for people.  I like to know that people are happy and if I contributed to that joy.  I am pleased Another strength that I process is being open-mindedness.  I try my best not to be judgmental.  I know that no individual is perfect and we all make mistakes.   Therefore, things that appear to be simple are not always what they seem to be, so I try to keep an open mind.  When individuals come to me with bias remarks about certain things or when people display a certain behavior I attempt to give a different perspective for that person’s behavior. I have integrity, so I tell the truth even though I know it may cause me to get in trouble.  I try my best to do what is right even when no one is watching because I have a conscience because I believe in karma.  When you do wrong things if it does not come back to you it may affect your children or your children’s children. Last but not least, I am appreciative and I have a lot of gratitude.  I always say thank you.  I like to let people know that they are appreciated, and I am grateful if they do something despite how simple it may be.

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May 20, 2013 at 6:27 pm Keah Mclean-Garraway RN