Opening Gateways

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  • A Great Presentation of OG Leaders at Tech Day @ City Tech
  • #47683

    Lucie Mingla

    Hello Everyone,

    I know that everyone is busy, but the workshop that I have attended today is the kind that you don’t want to miss.
    I attended three sessions. during the Tech Day @ City Tech.
    It was amazing to hear from City Tech Library (OER), Fellowship program, which I learned many new things from, but the most excited ones were those two related to OG Fellowship Program and the use of WeBWork and OpenLab.

    It was amazing to hear how things are harmonized:
    From Seminars, to building connections and a strong community of faculty between NYCCT and BMCC as well as those between the Full-Time and Part Time Faculty;
    From orientations and interactive activities in our seminars to “Deliverables” and interactive activities that we have created and implemented in our classrooms…… and so much more.

    No wonder folks, why we have done a great job in creating and implementing so many interactive STEM application activities that are great and useful open source for all of us. No wonder why we are successfully using the WeBWork, which is a free and great platform for the assignments in our classes..
    We are directed from great minds such as: Jonas Ritz, Marianna Bonanome, Laura Gezi, Charlie Eduards , Ruru Rusmin and Andrew Parker.Their Leadership skills, their great professional capacity, clear instructions and more importantly their humanity have helped all of us grow.

    I am grateful for their generosity and the opportunity to learn from them in any dimension.
    Please join me in this thankful note and add on.

    Thank you again for your hardwork and dedication.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Lucie Mingla.
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