NUR 4010 FA 2013

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Narrative Self Reflection", saved on December 4, 2013 at 6:53 pm by kmclean85
Narrative Self Reflection
Our two presentations were Stroke and Obesity & Nutrition which was our group’s way to promote cardiovascular health. The presentations demonstrated my commitment because as a professional in a career it is always a nursing obligation to always educate those we encounter, even if there is a language barrier. Objective seven was incorporating standards and accountability into practice which I did as we had been advised by Ms. Scarlett if any blood pressures that we took or any symptoms expressed to us by the seniors were alarming or concerning that we were to report them to Ms. Reynoso. The day we encountered the man with a blood pressure of 180/70, which we felt needed an intervention, I went for Ms. Reynoso so he can get the appropriate medical service as needed. Objective eight was to collaborate with clients and the people and at the facility and we did so as we collaborated every Wednesday  with Ms. Reynoso as we informed her of our teaching plans and made sure that it did not conflict with other informational sessions that might be provided to the seniors. The clinical was a different experience as I work with Maternity mothers so having an older population was a change for me and it made me realize how everyone learns different. I made sure to be aware of the demographics which is that the community is highly populated with a majority of Hispanic speaking and cardiovascular issues which is why I made sure information was presented in their native language and focused upon the issue at hand…the heart and hoping to leave the residents at Sunset Community with some newfound knowledge.

Old New Date Created Author Actions
December 4, 2013 at 11:53 pm kmclean85