Student-Ready College Committee

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  • Final Meeting April 19
  • #36435

    Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Discussion of what still needs to happen for my department to implement our redesigned new student orientation
    A lot of coordination is necessary
    Who are the student leaders?
    Which classrooms will be use?
    Faculty availability
    How to transition and stay on time throughout the day of orientation. (at each “station” and in between “stations”)
    Department “buy-in”, how do we overcome lack interest in the process of orientation?
    Does NSO lead to better retention? (Department specific)
    Know more about college wide programs offered

    Discussion of what I learned
    Listen to students, what are they asking? (Current student leaders and what students asked during past orientations)
    Create and Engaging Environment
    Need to reformat and redesign the orientation with the student in mind, we can not just take one general approach
    How to effectively and efficiently communicate what is important
    Need to expand the efforts throughout the semester
    Sharing ideas and approaches was beneficial

    What Changed
    Provide a tour of the facilities “a picture is worth a 1000 words”
    Discuss time management, how to prioritize what is important for student success
    Intentional format (demo, time management, tour)
    Making room for students to reflect on their experience

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