NEH Com­par­a­tive Per­spec­tives on Health, Ill­ness and Heal­ing

active 11 years, 3 months ago
NEH Comparative Perspectives on Health, Illness and Healing
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School / Office
Arts & Sciences, Professional Studies
Project Description

Our year-long project will explore the practice of medicine as an expression of cultural beliefs and value systems that differ widely across cultures and that have evolved in particular ways in particular cultural contexts over the course of history. The goal of the project is to enable faculty from the departments of allied health, and consequently their students, to become more thoughtful, culturally competent, and ethically aware practitioners by better understanding variables of philosophy, values, and culture that underlie medical practice in different societies. The seminar will be organized around five themes: Introduction to the Tools of the Humanities; Systems of Medical Knowledge (East and West); Portrayals of Illness in World Art; Cultural Interpretations of Addiction; and Religious, Ethical, and Legal Meanings of Death across Cultures. These themes were chosen for their broad relevance to allied health practitioners in the culturally diverse contexts in which they work.


This project was created by: Mary Sue Donsky

Recent Comments

Com­ment on "Our Tour of the Rubin Mu­seum of Art"

Now I re­ally want to go to that tem­ple. Can­not wait to meet Harry! See MoreComment on "Our Tour of the Rubin Museum of Art"

Com­ment on "Our Tour of the Rubin Mu­seum of Art"

Ac­cord­ing to Mary Sue, our guide will be Harry Ein­horn. Here's a link to a video of him giv­ing a […] See MoreComment on "Our Tour of the Rubin Museum of Art"

Com­ment on "Ad­dic­tion and Harm Re­duc­tion Recap"

Re­gard­ing harm re­duc­tion, in Com­mu­nity Health Nurs­ing, stu­dents had an as­sign­ment to go to the […] See MoreComment on "Addiction and Harm Reduction Recap"