MEDU1010 Foundations of Math Ed, FA2015

Jose De Leon

Dr. Parker

MEDU 1010


Why aim want to become a teacher?


For me can be wonderful, exhausting, fun, stressful, enlightening, rewarding beyond. Teaching requires enormous patience, and there is no ready-made formula for good teaching. Studies on effective teaching demonstrate that there are nearly as many successful styles as there are successful teachers. But there are some qualities in good teachers. Some qualities are nominated such as highest academic performance, well versed in the subjects they teach, knowledgeable about how to teach, able to use different strategies Interested in ideas, commitment to teaching and learning and eager to make a difference in students’ lives.

I bring more diversity to the teacher corps due to being a minority Hispanic .Research suggests that some minority students do better when they are in classrooms with teachers of the same race and ethnicity. As a Spanish speaker most of my student will try to identify with me related to my culture and background. Therefore, encouraging highly qualified, highly motivated minorities to enter the teaching profession can help close the achievement gap. Furthermore, I will make a tremendous difference in the lives of my students to motivated them fulfill their potential and make the most of their lives. America needs a highly skilled, diverse teacher workforce, and most policymakers realize that good education begins with good teaching. Many states are raising standards for teacher licensing and increasing salaries to attract well-educated people who otherwise would be inclined to work in other fields. Generally speaking, teacher salaries have improved considerably in recent years. While loan forgiveness is a possible benefit of teaching for those entering the profession.

Teachers work long hours during the school year and often in the summer, as well. For most teachers, summer vacation means attending seminars, conventions and conferences, teaching summer school, returning to college lo stay on top of current education research, or working a second job to supplement their income. That said, most teachers welcome summers as an opportunity to recharge their batteries and to prepare for the next year. However, I will avoid those factor driving teachers away.For example, teachers can be frustrated with school budget cuts, the constant pressure to do more with less, excessive bureaucracy, deteriorating buildings, growing class sizes that keep teachers from giving students all they need, and the failure of school officials to support teachers’ efforts to maintain discipline. School-board policies, site-based management and even school climate and culture can interfere with teachers’ ability to do the job well and lead teachers to become dissatisfied with their careers. I’m ready to make a serious long-term commitment to teaching, if aim confident that I can master the subject matter, I will do whatever it takes to help students master the subject matter.

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