Math 2580/6653: Intro to Linear Algebra

active 11 years, 7 months ago
Math 2580/6653: Intro to Linear Algebra
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Fall 2012
Course Description

An intro course in linear algebra. Topics include systems of linear equations, linear transformations,vectors and matrices, properties of matrices, the invertible matrix theorem, determinants, eigenvalues/eigenvectors, and vector spaces.


This course was created by: Suman Ganguli

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I'd still like us to discuss the linear algebra behind Google's PageRank, especially since we just covered eigenvectors. In addition to that "$25 Million Dollar Eigenvector" pdf (which I've uploaded under "Files"), you can also take a […] See MoreGoogle PageRank


Please feel free to use the Discussion forum to post questions. -Suman See MoreTesting

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