MAT2572 Probability w/ Statistics, FA2017

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  • Statistical Signal Processing
  • #46352


    I am an Electrical & Telecommunication Technology major and Probability and Statistics plays a crucial role in the types of Electrical and Telecommunication Systems I will be developing. My main interest is signal processing and P&S has a wide range of applications such as EEG, HRV, ultrasonic signals, radar systems, medical imaging, remote sensing, compression and analysis of speech and audio signals, etc. The type of mathematics I will be focusing on in my career is Statistical Signal Processing. Statistical Signal Processing focuses on signals that are both discrete-time signals and continuous-time signals. For example, the proper treatment of modern communication systems requires the modeling of signals and random processes. Techniques from P&S for spectral analysis, time-frequency analysis of stationary and non-stationary processes, detection theory, parameter estimation, and particle filters using sequential Monte-Carlo Methods. In Detection Theory, Statistical Hypothesis testing is heavily used, and for Parameter Estimation, Bayesian Estimation is heavily used.

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