MAT2440/D641 – Ganguli – Fall 2018

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  • HW #5 exercises / Exam #2 annoucement
  • #51341

    Suman Ganguli

    As I discussed yesterday in class, Exam #2 will be next Wednesday, Oct 31. The exam will cover Sections 1.7 (proofs), 2.1 (Sets), 2.2 (Set Operations) and 2.3 (Functions).

    HW#4 included exercises from Sections 1.7, 2.1 and 2.2. If you didn’t hand in HW#4 yesterday, I will still take it on Monday–please do work through those exercises, as the HW is the best preparation for the exam.

    Listed below are an initial set of exercises for HW#5 (due Wed Nov 7), i.e., after the exam. But the exercises listed below will be covered on the exam, so you should work through them as preparation. Also, I will add exercises from Sec 2.4 to this list after we cover that material.

    HW #5 (due Wed Nov 7):

    Sec 2.2 (Set Operations):
    #25, 47, 48, 52, 53

    Sec 2.3 (Functions):
    #4(a)(b), 5(a)(b), 6(a)(b), 8, 9, 10, 11


    Suman Ganguli

    In addition to the Sec 2.2 and Sec 2.3 exercises listed above, also hand in the following exercises from Sec 2.4 (Sequences and Summations) as part of HW#5. I’ve decided to extend the due date: HW#5 is due Monday Nov 12.

    Sec 2.4 (Sequences and Summations):
    #3, 4, (a)(b), 10(a)(b), 29(a)(b), 30(a)(b), 35

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Suman Ganguli.
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