MAT2440/D641 – Ganguli – Fall 2018

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  • HW #4 (due Wed Oct 24)
  • #51017

    Suman Ganguli

    Sec 1.7 (Intro to Proofs):
    #1-3 (study Examples 1&2 on p83 carefully; use them as models for your proofs)
    #17, 18

    (For odd-numbered exercises: try to write out a proof before you look at the solutions; then use the solutions to edit your proof, if necessary. I will primarily grade the even-numbered exercises, but I will also check your solutions to the odd-numbered exercises; your proofs should be in your own words, i.e., not exactly the same as the textbook solutions.)

    Sec 2.1 (Sets):


    Suman Ganguli

    Sorry, I had a typo in my original post: the first set of exercises are from Sec 1.7: Intro to Proofs (p91 of the textbook), not Sec 1.6. I have updated the post above accordingly.

    You should try to do at least exercises #1-3 from Sec 1.7 before Monday, since they are the type of direct proofs we went through in class on Wednesday. You can also attempt #9-11. I will post some examples that you can study before attempting those.


    Suman Ganguli

    Here is HW#4 list updated with Sec 2.1 exercises:

    Sec 1.7: Intro to Proofs (p91):
    #1-3 (study Examples 1&2 on p83 carefully; use them as models for your proofs)
    #17, 18 (instead of giving a proof by contraposition and a proof by contradiction, it will suffice to give a proof by contraposition or a proof by contradiction, i.e., one or the other is fine (but you can interpret this as an inclusive-or, and write out both types of proofs!))

    (For the odd-numbered exercises: try to write out a proof on your own before you look at the solutions; then study the solution and use it to edit your proof, if necessary. I will primarily grade the even-numbered exercises, but I will also check your solutions to the odd-numbered exercises; your proofs should be in your own words, i.e., not exactly the same as the textbook solutions!)
    Sec 2.1 (Sets):
    #2(a)(b), 6, 8(a)-(d), 12, 14, 19, 20, 21(a)(b), 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 37
    (for #35 & #37, give a brief explanation or draw a diagram to justify your answers)

    Sec 2.2 (Set Operations):

    A reminder that this HW set is due Wed Oct 24. But I will be adding some Sec 2.2 exercises to this HW set, so you should complete the Sec 2.1 and 2.2 exercises ASAP, so that you can start on the Sec 2.2 exercises after we cover that material in class (on Wed Oct 17).


    Suman Ganguli

    Here is the HW#4 list updated with Sec 2.2 exercises:

    Sec 1.7: Intro to Proofs (p91):

    #1-3 (study Examples 1&2 on p83 carefully; use them as models for your proofs)
    #17, 18 (instead of giving a proof by contraposition and a proof by contradiction, it will suffice to give a proof by contraposition or a proof by contradiction, i.e., one or the other is fine (but you can interpret this as an inclusive-or, and write out both types of proofs!))

    (For the odd-numbered exercises: try to write out a proof on your own before you look at the solutions; then study the solution and use it to edit your proof, if necessary. I will primarily grade the even-numbered exercises, but I will also check your solutions to the odd-numbered exercises; your proofs should be in your own words, i.e., not exactly the same as the textbook solutions!)

    Sec 2.1:Sets (p125-126):
    #2(a)(b), 6, 7(a)-(d), 8(a)-(d), 12, 14, 19, 20, 21(a)(b), 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 37
    (for #35 & #37, give a brief explanation or draw a diagram to justify your answers)

    Sec 2.2: Set Operations (p136):
    3, 4, 14, 15(b), 16(a)(b), 23

    A reminder that this HW set is due this Wed Oct 24.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Suman Ganguli.
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