MAT1372 Statistics with Probability

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  • Group 1
  • #45666

    Myisha Thasin

    “I wonder if people in East Coast of United States tend to be more educated than people in the West Coast.”

    The two populations are:
    a) U.S. states in the East Coast, defined as states in the U.S. with over 50,000 residents
    b) U.S. states in the West Coast, defined as states in the U.S. with over 50,000 residents.

    The variable of interest is “Percent of college-educated residents”, defined as:
    The percent of residents 25 and over who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher

    The research question is:
    “On average, is the percent of residents with at least a bachelor’s degree greater on the East Coast of U.S rather than on the West Coast?”

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