MAT1372 – Statistics – Spring 2016

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  • HW #2 - due Wed Feb 24
  • #35095

    Suman Ganguli

    I handed out HW #2 in class last Wednesday. It will be due Wed Feb 24, but please get started on it now. You can download a pdf of the handout from the Files section:

    Listed below are the textbook exercises listed on the pdf, but there is also an additional exercise that is on p2 of the pdf itself.

    Ross, Section 3.2 (pp79-83):
    • Exercises #3, #4, #14, #17, #18. For #3, in addition to parts (a) and (b) in the text:
    (c) Find the sample standard deviations for the two given data sets (amounts of precipitation and number of days of precipitation in different cities).
    (d) Would you expect the variables to be positively correlated, negatively correlated, or neither? Briefly explain.
    (e) Create a scatterplot for the paired data set and calculate the correlation coeffi- cient.

    Ross, Section 3.3 (pp86-88):
    • Exercises #6, #7 (these use the same dataset as Section 3.2 #2, so use the same spreadsheet for these exercises)

    Ross, Section 3.5 (pp105-108):
    • Exercises #2, #3

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