MAT1372 – Statistics – Spring 2016

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  • HW #1 - due Wed Feb 10
  • #34948

    Suman Ganguli

    A reminder about HW#1, which I announced in class on Wednesday (and also posted on the “Assignments” tab of the blog site:

    HW#1, due Wed Sept 9:

    Sec 2.2 Exercises (p25):
    #2 (before answering the questions in the textbook, first create a frequency table and frequency histogram using a spreadsheet; see if you can use the spreadsheet to help answer the textbook questions, and how the answers are related to the histogram)
    #3 (you don’t need to use a spreadsheet for this exercise–just answer the questions using the given frequency histogram)
    #8 (use a spreadsheet for parts (a) and (b))

    Sec 2.3 Exercises (p39):

    #1, 2 (again, use spreadsheets to create the frequency histograms–in each case you will need to decide on appropriate class intervals for the given dataset)


    Suman Ganguli

    As I briefly discussed in class, you should use spreadsheets whenever possible for doing calculations and making graphs for the HW exercises. Print out your HW spreadsheets/graphs to hand in. But also hand in your written answers to non-spreadsheet questions.

    These HW exercises should be fairly straightforward if you understand the frequency table/histogram spreadsheet we created in class together on Wednesday. Try to get started on it before class on Monday, so that if you have questions, or want me to check your work, we can do it before or after class.


    Suman Ganguli
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