MAT1372 – Statistics – Spring 2016

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  • Google spreadsheet - blood cholesterol example
  • #35005

    Suman Ganguli

    Here is the spreadsheet we created yesterday in class (using the data from Example on pp32-34 of the textbook):


    A. Uddin

    I have a question regarding the x-axis of the Histogram, I am not too sure as to how to set the bin to be that on google docs. Would you be able to show that in class/explain in a post or give a link explaining it?


    Suman Ganguli

    I think you are asking how to label the x-axis of a histogram with the class intervals, as I did in the blood cholesterol spreadsheet. I figured out how to do that today, and I will show how to do that in class tomorrow, but here is the trick:

    Select both the columns containing the class intervals and the corresponding frequencies (in my blood cholesterol spreadsheet, this is F10:G15). Then click on the “Insert chart..” button to bring up dialog box, make sure bar graph is selected, but then go to the “Chart Types” tab”–there is a option there for “Use column F as labels”–this will use the that column’s entries as labels on the horizontal axis, which is precisely what we want.

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