MAT 1175 – Fundamentals of Mathematics

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  • Group 7 project Power Point file and reflection
  • #12542

    Ezra Halleck

    please comment



    Extra Credit part 2

    they have learned the male and female’s weight between by the height and the age of a person, furthermore, what it cause to break the bridge.
    b. They can add more pictures of the bridge and the process of how they are doing it.



    Extra Project Part 2:

    a) Justin and his group learned that it would take a total of at least 14,026 Honda pilots, 720 MTA trains, 3,013 MTA buses, and 365,091 of an average weight of 165lb to break the bridge individually. This fact which took great research is nice to know.
    b) This presentation was great but lacked pictures, and had too much information.
    c) they can improve the math and science part by somehow constructing a model which shows evidence of their research.

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