Engaged in “A Living Laboratory”: High Impact Education at City Tech
In Fall 2010, New York City College of Technology received a 5-year, $3.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Title V program to fund “A Living Laboratory:
Redesigning General Education for a 21st Century College of Technology,” encompassing activities centered on the conceptual model of City Tech and the Brooklyn Waterfront
as a living laboratory. This panel highlights the efforts of the General Education Seminar, which brings together a diverse group of Faculty Fellows to re-envision General
Education through the incorporation of High Impact Educational Practices (HIEP) and place-based learning into their courses.
20 minutes + 10 Q&A
4 minutes, Introduction Jonas Reitz and Karen Goodlad
4 minutes, (total of 16 minutes) overview by each member
10 minutes Q&A