LIB 2205ID – D958 Learning Places: Understanding the City – Interdisciplinary

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  • Feedback: Stedroy, Maggie, Matthew, Jin Ju
  • #40600

    Christopher Swift

    Lincoln Center – Before and After
    Naming San Juan Hill – war. Interesting
    African American community — Jazz community
    Any relationship between Harlem Renaissance and San Juan hill?
    Good job defining terms — urban renewal
    1950s – AA move to Harlem, Puerto Rican community grows.
    Great old map! Where is the hill, exactly? Which blocks?
    What is an “old law tenement?”
    Excellent research overall.
    Who were you quoting? Need to tell us.
    How is WSS about Urban Renewal? Explain pls.
    Need to explain details of photos better. Some photos were too small (taken from book). If the images aren’t yours, you need to provide on-screen credit.
    Interested to know what “other” meant. Were these white European immigrants?
    Increase in income levels (averages) does not take into consideration changes in value of the dollar over the half century (inflation).
    Discussion of change in ethnic make-up was a little diffuse. Lots of generalities and repetition on that one slide.

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