Julian Townsend-Taylor’s ePortfolio

Julian Townsend-Taylor's ePortfolio
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Communication Design
Portfolio Description

My design goal is to learn more about Graphic design and its principles because i am inexperience and i want to gain more experience in Graphic Design. Im taking this class to gain more Graphic Design informations. I am a open person so alot of different type of work/art inspires me. Things that inspire me is music, food, family, people, cartoons/anime, and Martial Arts. My preferred design process is to either be planned out, on the computer or small notebooks. I would like to work on collaborating project about either food, music, or martial art.

Recent Posts


It crazy how fast time can pass, it is almost like I was just struggling looking for an […] See MoreSelf-Evaluation

The Collaboration

Although my time working at the Internship was remote and I wasn't able to do interactive […] See MoreThe Collaboration

Communication is Key

Communication is Key, although it might be common sense to communicate with your […] See MoreCommunication is Key

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