Jhenell Nina’s Portfolio

Jhenell Nina's Portfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

My name is Jhenell Nina & I was drawn to design for its ability to allow me to bring my idea to life. I define my art as controlled madness, because I try to make things as creative as possible while remaining something beautiful and captivating. I am from Dominican decent and I think that is one of those things that defines me as a person.

My goals in life are to get into advertising and have my designs viewed by millions, I want people from all over the world to look at my work and have their own unique ideas about it. I believe that through adverting I can touch the hearts and minds of so many. “I got tired of the world around me so I made my own… welcome to The JR Zone”

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The idea for this banner really came from a line in my bio " controlled madness" this is how I […] See MoreBanner

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