Jesenia Eilleen Oquendo’s ePortfolio

Jesenia Eilleen Oquendo's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio Profile is PRIVATE, but the ePortfolio Site is OPEN to all visitors.
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undergoing construction…

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Working from home is not always the best.

When Melanin Mommas gave me the option to work from home at times, I was exhilarated. Being a […] See MoreWorking from home is not always the best.

Mockups, mockups, mockups.

I'm pretty sure when designing, mockups are always something we're used to doing. After the logo […] See MoreMockups, mockups, mockups.

Last Minute Changes

The last project that was to be done was an about page for when the web designer came in to insert […] See MoreLast Minute Changes

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