International Retailing BUF 3300 – Dakishana Incorporated (Japan)

active 11 months ago
International Retailing BUF 3300 – Dakishana Incorporated (Japan)
This Project Profile is OPEN, but the Project Site is PRIVATE.
School / Office
Professional Studies
College, Coursework, Research, Student
Project Description

This international retailing website showcases the traditional Japanese, Kimono, as an indigenous/native product from Japan. This project especially focuses on the interrelationships and interdependence among the country of Japan in the region of East Asia, other regions of the world, and among such factors as geography; climate; natural
resources; population and demographics; technology; culture; the economy; labor and employment practices; fiber, fabric and apparel production, distribution and consumption; and import/export trade policies and practices.


This project was created by: Kimberly Baez

This project has been cloned or re-cloned 2 times; view clone(s).

This project was created by: Nano Jikhaia, Kimberly Baez, Daisy Magdaleno and Shafana Begum