HUS 1203, Fall 2017

Resume Template & Guidelines:

Ÿ Use this template to complete your resume.

Ÿ Resumes can be more than one page.

Ÿ Ensure format of resume is consistent-use one font; underline similar sections, etc.

Ÿ Go to Learning Center to learn how to edit your resume, since a resume needs to be error free.

Ÿ Staple the Learning Center proof/slip to your work. Do not submit resume draft to Instructor.

Ÿ Each error will result in one point deduction, but resumes should not have any errors.




Full Name

Address (optional)


Cell phone


Objective: To secure a human service internship that will allow me to practice the skills of assessment, counseling, case management, policy and community service. (You can use this objective, if you like)



Never include high school

Always include the college’s full name, city, and state

Major: Human Services

Expected BS Degree: Month/Year

Include any other college degrees



Record in chronological order, starting with current or last position

Always include the name of the institution(s), your position/title, date of employment

Describe duties in short phrases-not sentences. During interview you can explain in detail.


Examples of short phrases:

Ÿ Coordinated receipt and other financial duties

Ÿ Provided customer service

Ÿ Transported clients to medical appointments

Ÿ Revised forms

Ÿ Enforced NYC maintenance codes

Ÿ Liaison to supervisor

Ÿ Familiar with child development and needs


Volunteer Work:

Examples of Volunteer Work:

Ÿ St. John Bread & Life Food Pantry, Brooklyn, NY

Ÿ Success After School Program, Queens, NY

Ÿ Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk 2015, Manhattan, NY



(Do not include Microsoft, Word, Power Point, Excel, as these are expected., only add a computer skill if it is rare. Ex: Quick books; Case Management Software For Human Services. In addition do not add assets that cannot be measured such as “people skills, dependable, hard worker,” etc. This can be discussed in the interview, or from your references that you will submit,  if asked by the interviewer)


Examples of Certifications/Awards/Skills:

Ÿ  NY State Mandated Reporter Certified Training

Ÿ  Certified NY State Home Health Aid

Ÿ  Direct Care Professional Development Certificate (30hrs)

Ÿ  Knowledgeable of ClientTrax Software

Ÿ  NY State Driver’s License

Ÿ  Typing: 75 WPM

Ÿ  Guitar-5 years of study

Ÿ  Bilingual: English & Spanish

Ÿ  Community Volunteer Award: St. Mark’s Church, 2015


References furnished upon request



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