How to Use the NYC Subway System

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Proposal", saved on May 18, 2014 at 9:27 pm by Victor O!
Group One: Samuel A-Y., Victor O., Elmer R., Jorge S., Tatyana S. Prof. Bugg LIB 1201 19 May 2014 Subway Tutorial Proposal Our presentation is going to be used as an informational tool for people who have never used the subway in New York City. We’ve created this tool to hopefully help these first time straphangers navigate the subway system like a native New Yorker. We will cover the basic concepts they will need to know in order to get from their starting point to a desired destination. For our sources we used the MTA’s website, for facts, figures and fares. Images were mostly photographed by group members. Those that were not were cited. NYC Tourist was another resource we used for information along with our groups’ collective first-hand knowledge as subway commuters. There were a number of interesting facts that came to light that people either did not know or were unclear about. With this project, we were hoping to get a clear picture of how we could guide someone to and fro via the subway without confusing them in the process. This reference tool will provide an individual with all of the information they would need to know when it comes to using the subway system. There is a flowchart will guide them down a path of how to buy a MetroCard. Step by step instructions of how to find a subway station and how to find your way once in a subway station will keep people aware of their surroundings. The benefits of using and refilling a MetroCard will be described expressed.

Old New Date Created Author Actions
May 19, 2014 at 1:35 am Victor O!
May 19, 2014 at 1:27 am Victor O!