How to travel to Hong Kong

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Project Proposal
Group C:  Ladislav S., Seku B., Cecilia R.
Prof. K.Bugg LIB 1201 10 December 2015

Traveling to Hong Kong  Proposal


My group has chosen the topic of explaining how the process over traveling from New York to Hong Kong works. We created an information source that explains the process. Our information source will explain the entire process including how to get from your house to the airport, how to buy the tickets, how to manage your luggage and how to manage your flying insurance. It also provides other miscellaneous information to help clarify certain things you may be confused about or unaware of.

We chose Hong Kong specifically because Lad has already traveled there multiple times and I work in the airport. A lot of the information also came from airport employees that i came into contact with. I was able to ask them directly about how the process works and get concrete answers. Lad and I are the two main sources of primary information but we also used online articles that provided information about traveling via airplane in general. Websites like,,, and provided us with specific information regarding travel time, airport discounts and ticket information about various flights. We also used a website that provided us with information on security measures in the airport. It offered us access to several charts explaining what items were allowed and what items were prohibited from being brought on board a plane.  Google images had very vibrant pictures of different areas of Hong Kong, China so we just decided to take pictures from there.

Our information source is very user friendly and quit easy to navigate through. Once you visit our project profile you'll be able to read a brief description about what the site has to offer.  Upon entering the site you will see that there is a home page with a picture and underneath that there is a brief introduction to the website. Above the picture you will notice a menu which consists of multiple tabs that when clicked provides information about different parts of the process. One tab provides information about travel insurance. It explains the different types of travel insurance that are available as well as the positives and negatives of them. There is another tab named "travel information" and this has a drop down list that provides important information regarding your travel experience.  One of the tabs included in the drop down list is named "How to take a plane". This tab explains step-by-step how to to take travel by airplane; starting from your house and ending in Hong Kong. It also briefly talks about how the identification process works in regards to visas. Another tab that is apart of the drop down is called "Airlines to consider". This simply shows the viewer what airline options are available for them to fly with. It offers different airline options for someone that is not familiar with traveling to Hong Kong to choose from. Another tab is called "TSA and security" and this tab can save you a lot of stress and money if you read it. It offers information regarding the TSA regulation. It also provides you with a list of prohibited items so you do not end up wasting your money by having to throw certain items away. There is a tab called "things to do while you're there" and this tab is pretty self explanatory. It provides the reader with list of exciting places that should be visited during your time in Hong Kong. In addition to all those tabs we have a "works cited" tab which is also very helpful because most of the information we have gathered is information provided directly from the sources themselves. Anyone can find out more information that we haven't mention on our website by following the links on our works cited page. If you're interested in how we split the work and how we managed to put this site together you can check out the "Documentation" tab. It has a list of who did what starting from day one and it also includes information about the many revisions we did for this website. The group decided to include a tab called "Feedback" because it is important to hear the readers opinions and suggestions for our site to improve it.
