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  • Brooklyn Diner
  • #45202

    Tteur Chun

    When pro­fes­sor Abreu talked about the restau­rant that is opened near city tech build­ing, I still did not know there is a grand open­ing restau­rant across the school build­ing. After en­tire class vis­ited there, I felt that they chose great lo­ca­tion be­cause they rather opened in other side of school build­ing where less com­pe­ti­tion has. Its am­bi­ence and menu were ca­sual and front of house staffs seem like they are co­op­er­a­tive and friendly. I will def­i­nitely try this restau­rant since it is re­lated to our group pro­ject and my ul­ti­mate goal.

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