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  • Brooklyn Bridge Diner Reflection
  • #45241

    Polina Savchenko

    Prior to our class visit, I didn’t know about the Brooklyn Bridge Diner. My first impression of the restaurant was that the room was airy and spacious. I liked the menu. It seemed to have good choices and reasonable prices. I also liked high ceilings and décor. I think the owner of the restaurant did a great job renovating the space and making it her own from scratch. It was interesting to listen to Hanna. I could see she loves everything about the place and dedicates all of her time and hard work to it. She was very specific and provided a detailed and valuable information about what we need to take into consideration when developing our own projects in the future. The space itself matches the concept of a casual restaurant and appeals to markets such as students and people who work in the area and have a limited amount of time to eat. I definitely plan on visiting Brooklyn Bridge Diner soon for a full experience.

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