History 1503


Course Schedule

Date                                  Lecture                                                       Readings/Assignments                               

Week 1: Introduction Jan 30: Introduction/Housekeeping

Feb 1: History before 1798/How do I do a primary source assignment?

Week 2: The Beginnings of The Era of Transformation


Feb 6: Egypt, Napoleon and the Ottomans

Feb 8: Tanzimat and the Islamic response

M: (Chapter 4, Cleveland)

Primary Source 1: Napoleon

readings on Blackboard

*everyone must do this one

Listen to:




W: Map Quiz

Listen to:



Week 3: Part Two

The Beginnings of The Era of Transformation

Feb 13: No class

Feb 15: Egypt/ Iran in the age of Revolution

W: (Chapter 6, Cleveland)-Blackboard
Week 4: Part Two

The Beginnings of The Era of Transformation

Feb 20: Islamic Society

Feb22: Young Turks and Iran


M: (Chapter 7, Cleveland) Blackboard


W: (Chapter 8, Cleveland) Blackboard


Week 5: Review/ Quiz


Feb 27: Review

Mar 1: Quiz

M: (Chapter 1 pp. 22-34, Kamrava)


W: Quiz

Week 6:


March 6: WWI

March 8: Territories to Independent States

M: Primary Source 2- “The Armenian Question) Blackboard


(Chapter 9, Cleveland)


W: (Chapter 2 pp. 35-50, Kamrava)

Week 7: Part Three

The Struggle for Independence: The Interwar Era to the End of WWII

March 13: The age of Ataturk and Reza Shah

March 15: Nationalism in Israel/ Palestine

M: (Chapter 2 pp.51-66, Kamrava)


W: (Chapter 3 pp. 68-90, Kamrava

Week 8: Part Four

The Independent Middle East From the end of WWII to the 1970s

March 20: Nasser and Nasserism

March 22: No School

M: (Chapter 3 pp.91-108, Kamrava)


Primary Source option 3-(Nasser’s memoirs)-Blackboard

Week 9: Part Four

The Independent Middle East From the end of WWII to the 1970s

March 27: The Arab Israeli Wars

March 29: The Iranian Revolution

M: (Chapter 4 pp. 109-138)


W: (Chapter 5 pp. 139-169)


 Primary Source option 4-Resolution 242 and results of 1967



Week 10: Part Four

The Independent Middle East From the end of WWII to the 1970s

April 3: Review

April 5: Quiz

Week 11: Film


April 10: Film (West Beirut)

April 12: Film (West Beirut)

Week 12: The Gulf Wars


April 19:  The Gulf Wars

April 20: The Gulf Wars


W: Film Paper Due


W/TH: (Chapter 6, Kamrava)

Week 13: States and their opponents April 24: States and their opponents

April 26: States and their opponents

M/W: (Chapter 7, Kamrava)
Week 14: Repression and Rebellion


May 1: Repression and Rebellion

May 3: Repression and Rebellion

M/W: (Chapter 8, Kamrava)


W: Yacobian Building Paper


Week 15: Palestinian/ Israeli Conflict


May 8: Palestinian/ Israeli Conflict

May 10: Palestinian/ Israeli Conflict

M/W: (Chapter 9, Kamrava)
Week 16: Economics in the Middle East


May 15: Economics in the Middle East

May 17: Review

M: (Chapter 10, Kamrava)




W: History Podcast paper due

(Chapter 11)

Week 17: Final May 22: Final Quiz  

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