Highlighting My Tech Skills for Teaching

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  • Kahoot! Fun Learning: Key Insights
  • #94276

    Wilkenson Francois

    Hey everyone,

    I recently used Kahoot! to teach about the stock market, and it was a hit!

    What We Did:
    1. Planned our lesson around money and the stock market.
    2. Used Kahoot! for interactive quizzes.
    3. Quickly saw how well students understood.
    4. Worked together to make Kahoot! sessions fun and effective.

    What I Learned:
    Kahoot! made learning fun and helped me see what students understood. Excited to keep using it!

    Have you tried Kahoot! or something similar? Let’s chat!

    Chigozie. Kahoot: My winner for Formative Testing. Medium. Date accessed: April 12, 2024. https://medium.com/@g_okeke/kahoot-my-winner-for-formative-testing-8ee12e487365

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