Highlighting My Tech Skills for Teaching

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  • Educational Tech Solutions
  • #94273

    Wilkenson Francois

    When it comes to educational tech, we’ve got two major players – “Zoom One for Education” and “Prompt engineering for educators.” Here’s the lowdown:

    Zoom One for Education:
    Zoom One for Education is like a powerhouse for schools and colleges. It covers messaging, video calls, webinars, and more, making school tasks a breeze. It offers user-friendly communication tools, integrates well with other apps, handles users and systems efficiently, comes in different plans, includes Zoom Phone, and works on any device. Essentially, it’s designed to simplify teaching and learning, whether in-person or online.

    Prompt Engineering for Zoom:
    To elevate the Zoom class experience, teachers can employ a nifty technique called prompt engineering. This involves giving clear and engaging instructions to make class engaging and achieve specific learning goals. Some tactics include guiding students on participation, using structured chat prompts, assigning roles for collaborative work, fostering critical thinking, ensuring self-consistency during reviews, aiding demonstrations through prompts, and maintaining clarity in discussions. By tailoring prompts to educational objectives and leveraging Zoom’s features, educators can fashion a more interactive, organized, and effective virtual learning space.

    1. Reimagine Learning and Education. Zoom. (n.d.). https://www.zoom.com/en/industry/education/?_ga=2.267614029.2111444302.1707492227-2034199076.1707492227
    2. Prompt engineering for educators. AI for Education. (n.d.). https://www.aiforeducation.io/prompt-engineering-for-educators-webinar
    3. Scialom, T., Fire, K., Duran, R. J. P., Bortree, B., & Agsen, M. (n.d.). Prompt Engineering with Llama 2. GitHub. https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama-recipes/blob/main/examples/Prompt_Engineering_with_Llama_2.ipynb?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic_social&utm_campaign=llama&utm_con

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