Highlighting My Tech Skills for Teaching

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  • Aligning Activities with Standards
  • #94277

    Wilkenson Francois

    Hey everyone,

    Let’s explore how educators teaching financial literacy can leverage technology to enhance their lessons, aligning with the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) framework and the Jump$tart Standards. Today, I’m excited to introduce an innovative idea: integrating the Stock Market Game into financial literacy education.

    We’ve discussed various ways technology can engage students in learning, from using a whiteboard and markers for instruction (substitution) to providing handouts with scenarios (augmentation) and incorporating a Kahoot! quiz for assessment (modification).

    Now, let’s consider how incorporating the Stock Market Game can take financial literacy education to a whole new level. This interactive tool allows students to experience real-world investing in a simulated environment. It’s like playing the stock market, but with virtual money. Students can buy and sell stocks, track their investments, and see how their decisions impact their virtual portfolios.

    Aligning with the Jump$tart Standards, this activity addresses key concepts such as understanding financial markets and risk management. By leveraging the Stock Market Game, educators can move beyond substitution and augmentation, aiming for modification and redefinition levels of the SAMR framework. It provides new opportunities for students to interact with financial concepts, fostering critical thinking, decision-making, and financial management skills in a dynamic and engaging way.

    So, let’s brainstorm how educators teaching financial literacy can incorporate the Stock Market Game into their lessons, aligning with the SAMR framework and Jump$tart Standards to make learning about money more exciting and meaningful.

    I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas!

    What is the stock market gameTM?. The Stock Market Game. (n.d.). https://www.stockmarketgame.org/tour/index.html

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