Giulia Bentoglio’s ePortfolio

Giulia Bentoglio’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

Graphic Principles I, Digital Media Foundations

Recent Posts

My Internship at Women's Press Collective Spring 2018

Week #1 Hello class, My name is Giulia Bentoglio, Im a 21 year old student here at City Tech […] See MoreMy Internship at Women's Press Collective Spring 2018

Whong shun Interview Project

This is A video Project I had to do For Digital Media Foundations Using Premiere CC. I had to […] See MoreWhong shun Interview Project

McDonald's Logo History Report

Throughout the years , McDonald's has been one of the biggest fast food chains in the world. […] See MoreMcDonald's Logo History Report