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problem #1in Python
Problem #1 in Pyhhon: write the function nearestBusStop(street) that takes a nonnegative number and returns the nearest bus stop to the given street, where buses stop every 8th street including street 0, and tries go to the lower street , so the nearest bus stop to 12th street is 8th street, and the nearest bus stop to the 13th street is 16th street Solution: file containing finction, named import math def nearestBusStopGV(street): #street= int( input("Enter integer:") ) print(street) n = street // 8 k= street % 8 print("Street # devide on 8 is", n) print("Street # % on 8 is", k) if (k > 0 and k<= 4) : #print(n) stop = n elif (k >= 5 and k < 8): #print(n+1) stop = n + 1 else: ("nothing") print("if Street# is", street, "then Bus Driver must stop the bus on the stop # = ", stop) file containig main programm, for testing the function, named with any name def testNearestBusStop(): print("Testing nearestBusStop()...", end = "") assert(nearestBusStop(0) == 0) assert(nearestBusStop(4) == 0) assert(nearestBusStop(5) == 8) assert(nearestBusStop(12) == 8) assert(nearestBusStop(13) == 16) assert(nearestBusStop(20) == 16) assert(nearestBusStop(21) == 24) print("Passed. (Add more tests to be sure!)") testNearestBusStop() Verbal explanation of the solution:
If a passenger lives on the 77th street, then he/she must ask CarDriver to stop on the Bus Stop #10
if lives in the 12 th Street, ask to stop on the BusStop #1
if lives in the 15th Street, ask to stop on the BusStop #2