General Education Committee Working Group 1: Faculty

Task 1: In order to assist with/support development of general education learning outcomes which must appear on course syllabi, this OpenLab project site will collect and offer examples of syllabi from courses. Not all existing course syllabi have been updated with Gen Ed learning outcomes. Some guidance for departments that need to integrate Gen Ed learning outcomes  into course content will be offered as well.

Task 2: This group will facilitate a workshop/networking event on interdisciplinarity (March/April)

Possible event outline:

  1. An open forum for participants to give very brief presentations on their research and/or teaching
  2. the Interdisciplinary Committee will give a brief presentation on one or a few successful interdisciplinary courses
  3. networking activity to brainstorm course ideas

The group discussed the possibility of an additional event at which an outside speaker, an expert in interdisciplinary teaching, would present to all interested faculty.

The group discussed the need to identify existing courses that already use an interdisciplinary approach.

The group is aware that some of the paired courses in Learning Communities already approach course material in an interdisciplinary way; how can this knowledge be captured and institutionalized effectively?

Task 3: This group will collaborate with WAC to produce a workshop on integrating General Education learning outcomes into courses through writing (Spring 2013)

Wish list/ultimate deliverables include the following:

  • comprehensive student support available to all students through the college’s writing center
  • development of math/computational/quantitative fellows, following the WAC model
  • expansion of WAC fellowship program
  • ???

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