FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Prompt 1: Becoming a College Student", saved on September 8, 2020 at 5:18 pm by Anna
Prompt 1: Becoming a College Student
My name is Anaisari and the first few weeks of being in City Tech has been alright. Transitioning from graduating high school online to starting college online has been a bit stressful. I did not get to experience entering City Tech or sitting down in a classroom but hopefully I get to do so next semester. My classes have not been bad at all which is wonderful, almost all my classes are on zoom and it looks like the professors understand what they are doing when it gets to online learning since it is all so new to us. Navigating around blackboard was difficult but thanks to some professors I now know where everything is. Not going to lie getting a hold of my assignments and how to do them without clearly hearing it from the professor is hard. To add on making friends has been so difficult since everything is online. I have not joined any study groups yet or clubs but when I get used to online learning then I would love to join them. I would also like to know other students from City Tech and not only the ones from my classes but again because of the pandemic everything has been so hard to do. What I like bout City Tech and it is something I have learned recently is that all the students help each other for example in some colleges advisors or just people you can reach out to , to talk are usually professors or staff members in the school but what I have seen in City Tech is that most of them are students! Which is amazing because they are experiencing what we are right now. Overall, my experience in City Tech has been pretty good besides all of the social distancing and online learning. I know that when everything comes back to normal and we go back to classes in person everything will be just fine.  

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September 8, 2020 at 9:18 pm Anna