FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Our stories", saved on September 8, 2020 at 8:05 pm by Fariel Rachedi
Our stories
My first Few weeks at City Tech Was a big transition from high school due to the work and professors. At first most of my classes were easy and very understanding since the professors introduced themselves and the class but throughout every day you can see that if you don’t understand the topic.  You  need to ask questions and not just fall back  because in the long run it will be no one’s fault when you are confused and lost because you do not let anyone know that you are struggling or confused about something. From all my classes students decided to make a group chat to study and help each other which helped me and so many other kids to understand and breakdown the Information that was taught from our previous classes. But so far college has been quite an experience so far and I am very excited to see what else is going to happen throughout the year.

Old New Date Created Author Actions
September 9, 2020 at 12:05 am Fariel Rachedi