FYLC – First Year Learning Communities

The first weeks at City Tech was very rough for me. I was taking 6 class and maintain a paid position at the Urban Health Plan’s Adolescent Clinic. At this clinic in the South Bronx, as the peer educator, I was able to coordinator workshops on Sexual Health, Mental Health, Financial Literacy, Life Skills, and College Life. In addition, I was a counselor to help youth at the clinic get professional advice on safe sex methods. It was my first full time job and I was able to gain key career skills and experience in my field of study, which was Human Services. However, I worked here for 30-35 hours per week because my mother was unemployed, I was ask to help contribute to pay for bills. This made my experience very tough to handle. Fortunately, as a freshman at City Tech, I enrolled to this university as a SEEK and Bottom Line student. These educational opportunity programs provided me with academic and counseling services for students that qualify and it made the transition very comprehensive overtime.