FYLC – First Year Learn­ing Com­mu­ni­ties


My transition from high school to college was scary at first  mostly because of what my teachers were saying in high school about college. After I got into college and started classes it was bearable. My high school teachers did not lie when they said that some professors are not going to care, they are just going to send powerpoints and you have to read and do assignments. I have experienced some of that already.  When COVID 19 struck it was disappointing mostly because the experience that I was expecting to get from college I did not get it. It also became more disappointing when they said that school was going to be held virtually due to the pandemic. It is difficult because you don’t have the same connection or understanding sometimes that you would get with a teacher in front of you. The class also seems disconnected in some aspects and it is hard to focus in a household where they are siblings because they can be distracting. When it comes on to assignments I have to make sure that I am aware of them and when they are due and to get them done. Some professors are not only giving one assignment for the week they are giving a lot of work. I think the biggest challenge for me is to keep up with all the platforms that the professors use and they are telling us to use them to complete the work. Platforms like cunyfirst, blackboard, openlab, outlook, microsoft365 and more, I have to remember all the passwords for them and check them regularly so it is a big responsibility. I also set my alarm for classes and write down due dates for assignments so I don’t miss them. It is a lot to handle but I can do it while still balancing things outside of the virtual classroom and keeping a positive mind set.

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