Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • First Day's work responses Aug. 27, 2020
  • #67064


    name: John Edwards date: 08/31/20

    1a) What is a novel?
    A novel is a long work of narrative fiction
    b) Example: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (couldn’t underline)
    2a) What is a play?
    A play is a work of drama containing mostly dialogue between characters and is intended to be performed in theater.
    b) Example: Hamilton (couldn’t underline)

    3 What is film editing?
    Working with film which involves use of digital technology.

    4a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
    A mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or represents an idea, object, or relationship.
    b) Provide an example: The color white signifies purity

    5a) Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
    Greek Mythology
    b) Why do you like this story or this writer?
    I like the stories of Greek Mythology because they are very intriguing to read and it is interesting to see how every character and their roles are in line with another.

    6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.
    The Final Destination(s)

    b) Why do you like this movie or this director?
    I like this movie because it is very gruesome and intense. It also somewhat has a sense of humor.



    Name three things that you learned in the presentation.

    -It seems that what is acceptable to be presented on major motion pictures changes as the culture of society changes.

    -Movies based on plays tend to be more concerned with the dialog between characters than with the are concerned about flashy theatrical effects.

    -You might be getting a different version of a movie depending on which medium you are using to watch (i.e either through online streaming or cable television). This is due to some rules that are needed to be conformed to for some platforms that might not exist on other platforms.

    Name at least one thing you liked in the presentation.

    One thing I liked about the presentation was that it showed examples of both classical and contemporary films. Also, I enjoyed that it gave many examples thought multiple genres.

    Ask at least one question about the content of the presentation.

    -One question I did have about the presentation would be was there some overarching theme with this movie? Or were all the topics discussed kind of just random and spliced together?


    Prof. Masiello

    It is great that you are keeping up with the assignments.

    The theme and purpose of this first presentation were to give the class a large sampling of how I will conduct the class–by using film clips of classic and contemporary films used to show the changes in content reflecting changing aspects of society and technology.

    \We will soon see how films have their own ways of presenting the stories from literary sources.

    I almost consider the entire course like a jigsaw puzzle that all come together in the end.

    Our second class’s work will further those purposes. The name of our class “Films from Literature” says what we are studying.


    Christopher Lobato

    name: Christopher Lobato date: 31, August 2020
    1a) What is a novel?
    A novel is a literary genre that can be characterized by its length and fictitious narrative. These narratives can mimic the real world as well as diverge from it.
    b) Provide an example:
    All the Light We Cannot See
    2a) What is a play?
    A play is a literary work that follows a narrative that is meant to be performed in front of an audience. Unlike other literary forms, there is a larger focus on the dialogue between the characters.
    b) Name one:
    3 What is film editing?
    Film editing is the process of arranging the raw footage to create a film to fit a narrative or purpose within the film. Some of the processes included are splicing audio, cutting footage, and combining footage.
    4a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
    A symbol establishes a relationship with a person, object, or idea where the symbol can be used as a representation for the person, object, or idea. Symbolism in literary works is the use of ideas, characters, and objects to establish a relationship between other ideas, characters, and objects to show that they are related in some way.
    b) Provide an example:
    The “A” in The Scarlet Letter is one notable use of symbolism in literature. The novel regularly refers to the main character’s “A” and how it is meant to be a symbol that represents the shame of adultery. However, the “A” later becomes synonymous with the main character and later on becomes less associated with adultery and more so with Hester’s character.
    5a) Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
    The Odyssey
    b) Why do you like this story or this writer?
    The Odyssey is one of my favorite works of literature because it is a great example of the hero’s journey narrative archetype. The hero’s journey is a narrative archetype that can resonate with a lot of people, and as a result, we see The Odyssey continuing to inspire works to this day.
    6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.
    Hayao Miyazaki is one of my favorite film directors.
    b) Why do you like this movie or this director?
    Hayao Miyazaki is one of my favorite directors for two reasons. One is because he uses animation as the medium for his work. Hand-drawn animation for films has slowly been dying since the advent of 3D computer animation and while 3D animation can have spectacular graphics, it can also lose a lot of its identity as a result. In his works Spirited Away and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Miyazaki is still able to create beautiful imagery and exaggerated animations that would otherwise be impossible with a static 3D model. Without the convenience of 3D computer graphics, each frame needs to inventive and be a reflection of his artistry. The second reason is because of his variety of narratives that carry gravitas with them, unlike other films in the same medium. One notable example is The Wind Rises, unlike his other fantastical films this film is a historical narrative taking place during World War II. This film is an example of Miyazaki’s ability to tell captivating stories no matter the genre.



    Diana Aucapina 8/31/20

    1a) What is a novel?
    A novel is a made-up story from the writer’s imagination therefore a fictional story.

    1b) Provide an example:
    “Charlotte’s Web” By E. B. White

    2a) What is a play?
    A play tells a story of drama and action as a theatrical performance on stage.

    2b) Name one: “Hamilton”

    3) What is film editing?
    Film editing is a process of making a film, where you can add effects or delete certain things to establish proper scenes with emotion, tension, or just right shots.

    4a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
    It’s a poetic or style of using symbolic images and expressing feelings or indirect messages ideas.

    4b) Provide an example: Lions represent power and courage.

    5a) Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
    One of my favorite writers is Nicholas Sparks

    5b) I like this writer because he makes you believe in love that it can happen in real life and gives the best advice about relationships or just life itself and also the way he writes about his characters.

    6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.
    One of my favorite films is the Avengers: Endgame

    6b) I like this movie because it’s about heroes saving the universe, who are sacrificing for others to live. It’s an action and drama film that makes you wanna fight with them and you also see all the marvel heroes come together to fight the villain which is Thanos.


    Jennifer Apuango

    Name three things that you learned in the presentation:

    – In the early days of films, genres were much uniform and defined just as they were in literature and in other forms.

    – Films does close up shots for the audience to know that something is important, when the subject or object has significant influence on the story and also the viewers understanding of their story.

    -Stage plays made into films are more relying on dialogue than films from other sources. Which the characters use more literary language such as imagery, metaphor.

    Name at least one thing you liked in the presentation:

    One thing I liked in this presentation was each of the clips is unique in their own type of stories they tell. In addition, to how it shows many kind of examples in different styles.

    Ask at least one question about the content of the presentation:

    Are all the videos going to be showing different clips of genres? Or are we also going to watch specific films?


    Virginia Sanchez

    Comments for presentation

    A. Name three things you learned in the presentation.
    In the beginning of the presentation during the “Artistic Considerations and social concerns” segment, there is an interesting discussion on how controversial subjects are handled. During this segment, I learned innuendoes were used on the topic of sex and euphemisms for disagreeable expressions such as “Jesus Christ” in classic films.
    During the “Pacing for Mood and Effect” segment, there is a description of how a one-shot with minimal movement reveals the “mise-en-scene”. Before this presentation, I hadn’t come across the word so it was interesting to find out.
    Lastly, it was interesting seeing how many shots were used for the scene in “Twilight” and how they would get faster to add suspense. It was something I hadn’t realized until the sound and scissors were added.

    B. Name at least one thing you liked in the presentation.
    I liked seeing the examples/ films of what the text was explaining, it was very helpful.

    C. Ask at least one question about the content of the presentation.
    Was the first instance the term “ That’s mighty white of you.” used in entertainment or was it something the public used casually?


    Prof. Masiello

    Yes, Jennifer, we are going to watch 9 full films from the 8 stories.

    My compilations, comprised of various clips from many different movies, are to explain various things to look for in any film you watch.

    I am unclear what you meant about genres being uniform and defined in films and literature.

    Please clarify.


    Salina Shrestha

    Salina Shrestha
    August 29, 2020

    1. What is a novel?

    A form of literature written in book length with fictitious characters and events with some sort of realism.

    2a. What is a play ?

    A dialogue performed by actors based on a script or playwright.

    2b. Name one.

    Romeo and Juliet

    3. What is film editing?

    Assembling shots and scenes to make a story for a film or series.

    4a. Define symbol (or symbolism)

    Symbolism is a symbol that represents the importance of an object, place, word, or thing.

    4b. Provide an example:

    For example, a four leaf clover can symbolize good luck or a dove can symbolize peace.

    5a. Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
    One of my favorite writers is Alex Turner.

    5b. Why do you like this story or writer?
    He’s actually a songwriter but I love the way he uses strange metaphors or the way he describes things.

    6a. Name one of your favorite films or movie director.
    One of my favorite directors is David Fincher

    6b. Why do you like this movie or this director?
    Whenever I watch his movies, I love the extra attention to details he puts into his scenes or shots. For example, when the camera moves into another room its almost as if you’re going through the walls by how smooth and seamless the editing is.


    Christopher Lobato

    A. Name three things that you learned in the presentation.
    One thing I learned that was surprising was how long the casting of white actors for non-white parts continued. The casting of Shakespearean historically was always controversial, many female parts were filled by men and as mentioned in the presentation white actors were cast for the part of Othello. However, it was baffling to see this continue until the 1960s for the films Othello, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and Imitation of Life.

    Another thing I learned that I found interesting was the reasoning behind the use of the widescreen view for films. Today, televisions are better suited for widescreen viewing and are much more available so, it’s easy to forget that older televisions compensated for this by adding the letterbox bars to maintain the detail of 16:9 format.

    I also found it enlightening to learn about the various ways directors establish a tone or mood for a film. When passively watching a film, we often do not pay much mind to things like close-ups, different shots, and pacing but, each one of these techniques is a choice made by the director to make apparent to the audience what their purpose is. If the scene is focusing on a single character, then it becomes clear that this character is significant or pivotal to the scene otherwise, if it focuses on multiple characters the focus is more on the relationship between the multiple characters or their dialogue.
    B. Name at least one thing you liked in the presentation.
    What I enjoyed this presentation was the variety of films used from different genres and periods because it was interesting to see how each film employed each of these techniques similarly or differently. For example, in the review of close-ups, we see that films use close-ups for similar reasons like creating tension, focusing on the dialogue between characters, or creating a more intimate moment. Conversely, we can also see how films can use techniques differently. An action film will cut to different shots quickly, while a drama film that wants to create tension may use a long-shot. The variety of films also made it intriguing to see the development of computer-generated graphics within films. It put into perspective how much these technologies have changed from a film like The Best Year of Our Lives that uses none to a film like The Great Gatsby that relies more heavily on computer graphics.
    C. Ask at least one question about the content of the presentation.
    We see that as times changed and social norms changed, so did what was acceptable in films. As a result, has censorship in films decreased over time, or are films still heavily censored today? What things have become less censored sex, violence, swearing? I ask this because most of the examples of censorship were from older films.


    Kenny Siu

    Presentation First Class 2020
    A. Name three things that you learned in the presentation.

    -While sexual content in movie are not displayed they are shown in movie with technique of wording such as sexual innuendo

    – Movies used to have white actor portray non-white character such as Tropic Thunder while some were offensive, not all the portray of character are consider that.

    -Special effects are often used to amplify the cinematic scenes that are impossible to do with real-life. That is why special effects are primarily used to show in movies.

    B. Name at least one thing you liked in the presentation.

    I like how movies transition from comics such as the Watchmen need to be more developed into the storyboard and need to be filmed “almost” exactly every panel in detail to make a good adaptation film.

    C. Ask at least one question about the content of the presentation.

    Will there be any literature film that would follow in the footsteps of previous adaptive films or will they streamline the source of the film to make it less appealing compared to its novel counterpart?


    1a) Define “metaphor” or “simile,” which are slightly different. Choose

    Similes are literary device that compare one thing to another using words such as “like” or “as”

    1b) Provide an example:

    The blown leaf is as swiftly as a cyclist pedaling his way to the finish line.

    2a) Define “alliteration”

    The repeating occurrence of the same letter or the sound at the beginning of a word

    2b) Provide an example:

    John Jump like a leaping lion through the faraway fence.

    3a) Define “personification”

    Personification is giving a non-human object an human-like personality

    3b)Provide an example: The two attached twigs split apart as if their legs were giving out in the last moment.

    4a) Define parallelism or parallel wording in writing

    It makes certain phrasing easier to follow through with a parallel sentencing by repeating a form of phrase over and over
    4b)provide an example

    Not only does John like to drink coffee , but he also likes to eat bagels with his coffee.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Kenny Siu.

    Jennifer Apuango

    1a.) Define “metaphor” or “simile”. Choose one.

    Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase means something different from their literal definition.

    1b.) Provide an example:

    Its raining cats and dogs

    2a.) Define alliteration

    Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of closely connected words.

    2b.) Provide an example:

    She sells seashells by the seashore.

    3a.) Define Personification

    Personification gives human traits and qualities such as emotions, desires, sensations, often by the way of a metaphor.

    3b.) Provide an example:

    The leaves waved in the wind

    4a.) Define parallelism

    Parallelism is the matching of the forms of words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence.

    4b.) Provide an example:

    Like father, like son


    Salina Shrestha

    1a) Define “metaphor” or “simile,” which are slightly different. Choose one.
    A metaphor is when a comparison is made between two different things but have something in common.
    A simile is more literal when is comes to breaking it down. You literally describe something or someone using “like” or “as”. It is more clear to understand than metaphors.

    b) Provide an example:
    Metaphor: That guy is a dog.
    Simile: Shine bright like a diamond.

    2a) Define “alliteration”
    Repeated use of the same beginning consonant sound in a line that are usually used in poetry or rhymes.

    b) Provide an example:
    Sally sell seashells by the seashore.

    3a) Define “personification”
    When an animal or object are given human characteristics.
    Provide an example:
    The trees were shaking in anger.

    4a) Define parallelism or parallel wording in writing
    Parallelism is when the same or similar type of structure in words are used in a sentence.

    b)provide an example
    The girl was asked to write her report quickly, accurately, and thoroughly.



    A. Name three things that you learned in the presentation.
    1) Some phrases that were used in older films that didn’t intend on having a bad impact or being offensive in today society can be seen as discriminatory.
    2)Movies that have heavy profanity or violent deaths are edited precisely to be shown on television.
    3) There are a wide range of camera shots and angles that give emphasis on certain scenes in movies.

    B. Name at least one thing you liked in the presentation.
    1)I liked how there were various amounts of movies from different ranges of time used and how each specifically expressed topics that are valuable to take note of. I also liked how it addressed the societal issues at the time and how it is shown in the film, how it occurred and the changes that came after it.

    C. Ask at least one question about the content of the presentation.
    1) Where or how can I access these movies to watch entirely?



    1a) Simile- comparing two different things to each other to make a description more vivid
    b) Example: He is as strong as an ox.

    2a) Alliteration-the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
    b) Example:Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

    3a) Personification- the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman
    Example:The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition.

    4a)Parallelism- balancing two or more ideas or arguments that are equally important
    b)Example:”I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

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