Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • First Day's work responses Aug. 27, 2020
  • #66683

    Prof. Masiello

    Please respond to our first assignments by posting your answers as a reply. See document called “first meeting classwork.”

    It includes some short easy questions and the viewing of a lengthy video.


    Jennifer Apuango

    Name: Jennifer Apuango Date: 8/28/20

    1a.) A novel is long and a fictional story that is told in a narrative form.

    1b.) An example is “The Kiss” by Danielle Steel.

    2a.) A play is a dramatic work which is a form of writing for theatre.

    2b.) One play is King John by William Shakespeare.

    3.) Film editing is to join together all the scenes and put the scenes into a finished movie.

    a.) Symbol is a sign or representing an idea and can also give a meaning.

    b.) Black is an example of a symbol that can define as evil or death.

    5a.) One of my favorite writers is William Shakespeare.

    5b.) I like this writer because his work is amazing. It’s sad, dramatic, romantic, ironic and so much more. Also, he invented so many new words and phrases.

    6a.) One of my favorite movie is “The Kissing Booth”.

    6b.) I like this movie because is a forbidden love story and a cute bff relationship. It also connects to me personally and I know how the main character is feeling.



    Name: Zeest Abbas date 8/28/2020
    1a) What is a novel?
    Usually long work of narrative fiction
    b) Provide an example:
    Animal Farm by George Orwell
    2a) What is a play?
    A play is usually a work of drama, uses dialogue and is more theatrical reasons rather then reading.
    b) Name one:
    Romeo and Juliet
    3 What is film editing?
    Creative and technical part of production of a filmmaking. Selecting shots which become a motion picture.
    4a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
    Symbolism is a use of symbols to represent something like emotions or ideas.
    b) Provide an example:
    The Dove is a symbol of peace.
    5a) Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
    William shakespear, timeless writer.
    b) Why do you like this story or this writer?
    His work and his writing left a mark on the english language today and stories leave endless interpretations.
    6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.
    “Get Out” is one of my favorite movies.
    b) Why do you like this movie or this director?
    “Get out” was a masterpiece that shows issues being faced, what it’s like being Black in America, shows racism, encourages fear and still hits the horror and thrilling note pretty well.


    Raudy Duran

    1a.) A novel is a long narrative piece of literary prose.
    b.) IT by Stephen King

    2a.) Play is a literary type of theatrical writing that narrates a story with elements of conflict, suspense, and action through character dialogue.
    b.) The Lion Kings

    3) A video editor is responsible for editing raw video or film clips for all forms of projects such as tv shows, advertisements, videos, and even internet media.

    4a.) A symbol is a symbol or representation of a concept and may provide meaning as well.
    b.) A red rose is a symbol of love and romance.

    5a.) Stephan Kings.
    b.) I like this writer because of his past works.

    6a.) One of my favorite films is “All American”
    b.) This is one of my favorite films because of how much I could relate to the main character Spencer James.


    Prof. Masiello

    Thanks for your quick response, Jennifer…

    Please note (other readers and responders) in lieu of the required underlining, which is unavailable on this site, we should use italics which are equal to underlining. Quotation marks should be reserved for shorter works, like short stories and book chapter names.


    Prof. Masiello

    Thanks for writing, Raudy.

    Please note (other readers and responders) in lieu of the required underlining, which is unavailable on this site, we should use italics which are equal to underlining. The titles you wrote down needed italics.


    Prof. Masiello

    Thanks for writing, Zeest.

    Please note (other readers and responders) in lieu of the required underlining, which is unavailable on this site, we should use italics which are equal to underlining. Quotation marks should be reserved for shorter works, like short stories and book chapter names.

    Editing in motion pictures is comparable to what you stated.

    By the way, his spelling is Stephen King.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Prof. Masiello. Reason: forgot to include

    Josue Manzueta

    Name: Josue Manzueta Date: 8/29/20

    1a) What is a novel?
    A novel is a long fictional story in narrative form.

    b) Provide an example:
    Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

    2a) What is a play?
    A play is a written or theatrical performance of drama

    b) Name one:
    Hamlet by William Shakespeare

    3 What is film editing?
    the use of technology to edit different scenes in films to make them look as seamless as possible

    4a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
    symbolism is the use of symbols such as an object, coloror character to represent a bigger idea

    b) Provide an example:
    A dog usually represents loyalty

    5a) Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
    One of my favorite works of literature is Big Brother by George Orwell

    b) Why do you like this story or this writer?
    I really enjoyed this story because it is so relatable to real life, how they are constantly under surveillance by authorities. The symbolism of Big Brother made me anxious and kept me hooked on the story. It reminds me of today’s society and how we are constantly under surveillance without even realizing it, but a more similar comparison would be to the likes of the North Korea citizens who are not allowed to speak against their own “Big Brother” so they don’t end up with the same fate as George Orwell.

    6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.
    A film I really enjoyed was the Joker (2019)

    b) Why do you like this movie or this director?
    I liked this movie because we got to see how the main character was isolated and bullied by society, led him to turn into a criminal and cause mayhem all over the city. This is relatable to some criminals in today’s society because they may have gone through some traumatic experiences just like joker which unfortunately led them to make the decision to commit these terrible acts.

    (I tried to add Italics to names but it didn’t work)



    Name: Starling Hidalgo
    Date August 29 2020

    Classwork for August 27
    1a) What is a novel?
    A novel is a piece of narrative fiction that makes a commentary on complex human issues and comes in the form of a book.

    b) Provide an example:
    Catcher in the Rye J. D. Salinger

    2a) What is a play?
    A play is a work of drama that is meant to be theatrically performed instead of being read.

    b) Name one:
    Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

    3 What is film editing?
    Film editing is the work of stitching many smaller scenes together in order to create a larger cinematographic work.

    4a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
    Symbolism is the representation of one topic or object through the use of a substitute.

    b) Provide an example:
    The color red is used to symbolize love.

    5a) Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
    One of my favorite works of literature would be Fahrenheit 451by Ray Bradbury.

    b) Why do you like this story or this writer?
    I personally enjoyed the book because I really like the topic of science fiction. Also, this book in particular is pretty dark and I enjoy that it doesn’t really have a happy ending.

    6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.
    One of my favorite directors would probably be Quentin Tarantino.
    b) Why do you like this movie or this director?
    I enjoy the way he edits his movies and also how he doesn’t ever make the same movie twice. (With the exception of Kill Bill)


    Kenny Siu

    NameL Kenny Siu
    Date: August 30 2020

    1a) What is a novel?

    A long fictional story mostly told in a narrative perspective.

    b) Provide an example: PLEASE UNDERLINE ITS TITLE

    Lord of the Fireflies by William Golding

    2a) What is a play?

    It’s a theatheric writing with characters with their own dialogue which also shows a narrative story


    Othello by William Shakespeare

    3)What is film editing?

    Film that usually are edited by such technique such as camera angle and digital editing such as zooming out to show the setting on a certain scene.

    4a) Define symbol (or symbolism)

    It’s usually a sign, object , etc where it is representing something that is more than its literal meaning.

    4b) Provide an example

    An symbolism of a human skull would represent death or mortality

    5a)Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers

    Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

    b) Why do you like this story or this writer?

    This specific novel is well known in high school and are in english class. It’s a straightforward story that has compelling plots and dramatic tension that most people can catch on the story and still remember the plot on top of their head.
    6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.

    Parasite directed by Bong Joon-ho,

    b) Why do you like this movie or this director?

    This movie when I first set my eyes on it was what I thought would be a generic family friendly show based on the cover , which is it best to not judge a movie by its cover. This movie shows the struggle of the lower class of Korea , for the family of the film to survive in a better environment they take advantage of a rich korean family and tries to leech the lifestyle by working for them in case lead to the title “ Parasite”


    Prof. Masiello

    (I know about the italics problem.)

    Hello, Joshue,

    Your responses are interesting. Now Big Brother was just the guy in the posters and slogans. The actual title is 1984.

    As for editing, before digital technology, films were ON film, like the old negative strips your family may still have somewhere, except they were positives–like old 35MM slides. Better still: look at the avatar for this course, with the film springing out of book pages.

    Editing was done with a special cutter and actually glued together, and stored on reels.

    I am interested in your upcoming responses to my presentation “First Class 2020.mp4” as per this week’s work.


    Prof. Masiello

    See next reply…

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Prof. Masiello. Reason: edited for more content

    Prof. Masiello


    Your responses are so interesting. As for your comments about Tarrantino, you brought up a good point. There are excellent directors who stick to one genre, like Martin Scorsese and Alfred Hitchcock. And then there are those who make every film different, like Ang Lee and Stanley Kubrick.

    I look forward to your comments about the first class’s video.


    Prof. Masiello

    You have some interesting choices there, Kenny.

    Please download Grammarly onto your computer. It will help you detect typos and errors.

    I am curious to know your comments on the first class’s video on Dropbox.


    Virginia Sanchez

    Name: Virginia Sanchez Date: 08/30/2020

    1a) What is a novel?
    A novel is a descriptive piece following the fictional stories and experiences of a character in narrative form.

    b) Provide an example:
    Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

    2a) What is a play?
    A play is a literary piece usually consisting of drama, suspense, and comedy meant for a stage performance.

    b) Name one:


    3 What is film editing?
    Film editing is the technical process of rearranging and deleting parts of a movie to create a narrative or non-narrative experience.

    4a) Define symbol ( or symbolism)
    A symbol can take many forms but is generally a character or object. This character or object can be used to represent ideas producing the term symbolism.

    b) Provide an example:
    The color red can symbolize danger or blood.

    5a) Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
    Moshi Moshi by Banana Yoshimoto

    b) Why do you like this story or this writer?
    Personally I am the type of person that avoids stories considered sad but with Moshi Moshi I enjoy it. Moshi Moshi, or any of Banana Yoshimoto’s novel’s for that matter, there is an acceptance of a sad situation. So although the situation or circumstance is sad it feels calming and nurturing.

    6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.
    I have a few but I really enjoy Quentin Tarantino’s work.

    b)Why do you like this movie or director?
    I tend to gravitate to films with interesting fight scenes and “retro” settings. My favorite film by Tarantino is KILL BILL, I can’t count how many times I’ve seen it. I love the main character is a woman getting revenge. I love the references to other films he enjoyed such as Game of Death, Death Rides a Horse, Fists of Fury, and many more. It’s like a rabbit hole of references which is so fun to research and find.

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