Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • Ajay Tom ENG 2400 Classwork #1 First Class 2020 Movie
  • #67301


    -It seems that what was presented in the past and in today’s society on major motion pictures changes and society changes, the facts and the figures and budgets that often overwhelm the social agenda behind it and are briefly forgotten and replaced with empathy for those whose lives it affects.
    -Movies have the power to bring important issues to the forefront of public imagination and to reach out to the communities and individuals affected by them.
    -The process of writing and producing a film has reminded me of the social impact that theatre can have. It adds a human touch to the often dry and abstract field of the live drama remains the rawest experience of our ability to expand our understanding, to change our perspective, to challenge us to do something.
    One thing I liked about the presentation was that it showed examples of both classic films of the past and modern films of today. Also, it gave great injustice to the people who are most affected by the social issues raised by challenging drama are the very ones who can’t afford to attend.
    -One question I did have about the presentation would be what is the lesson learned between these movies of the old films and the modern films?

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