You are currently viewing a revision titled "B) Hitchcock Films (essay two)", saved on December 16, 2020 at 7:52 pm by Prof. Masiello | |
Title | B) Hitchcock Films (essay two) |
Content | Essay 2 Comparing two stories to their films, both
directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
Please write about how the two stories and their film versions differ. Explain at least three areas that were changed for each film. You may do these *one story at a time or point-by-point (characters, plot, setting, and so forth).
Look again at the instructions used for essay 1. *If you do one story at a time, let’s say the first half about “Rear Window” and the second half about Psycho, you may and should connect them with transitionals. You may download a list of transitions from our class website. Do not suddenly start writing about Psycho once you finish writing about Rear Window. Gracefully switch films by using something like “On the other hand.” or “In contrast….” PLEASE ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING POINTS along with your comparisons:
Refer to the director and each story author by name. 3) Also, explain which strategy of translation was used for “Rear Window”: The short story is a brief fiction written in prose that includes the same narrative elements found in the novel and the novella. Typically, the short story has fewer scenes and fewer characters than either the novel or the novella. Filmmakers intent on adapting a short story to a feature film face a unique challenge. They must add narrative elements or expand already existing ones to develop and lengthen the story to fit the average running time of the feature film. The filmmaker can expand the story using one or more of the following three strategies:
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